School Traditions
St. John School is steeped in parish and family traditions. In the Fall, the school building and grounds have been the site of an annual Oktoberfest weekend, which has successfully raised funds for the parish and school. The parish and students enjoy “Trunk of Treat” during Halloween and an All Saints Day Parade on November 1. St. John students march in the Warrenton Christmas parade every year. Our eighth-grade class participates in the “March for Life” in Washington D.C., and the Middle School attends hands-on, experiential education at Camp Verdun, an Adventure Bound site.
Community Outreach
Periodically, the students contribute to area charities and earn “Dress Down Days.” Our most significant tradition involves service to others, including helping at the FAUQUIER Family Shelter and visiting the elderly. St. John School students generously participate in canned Thanksgiving and Christmas food drives. Field trips to the community involve historical and cultural themes. Parents, students, and teachers frequently form partnerships to help community agencies through volunteer and financial efforts.
Student of the Month
Each month, the classroom teacher selects one student from every grade (K-8) as St. John the Evangelist School’s “Student of the Month.” The student is chosen based on the virtue of the month and specific traits related to the virtue. Being a good Catholic and a well-behaved citizen of the school is a requirement. Good grades are not required, but most students selected are good. The Principal and Pastor recognize the students selected at Mass every month.