Wednesday is SCA Lunch and the Carousel Ice Cream Truck will be here. Students are to wear their Field Day Shirt with PE shorts.
Thursday is a Dress Down Day. Bring $1 minimum donation to dress down. Please follow Dress Down Day Guidelines.
Friday is a FULL Day. Students are to wear their regular scheduled uniform. Extended Day will NOT be offered.
Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found for any missing items. All items will be donated at the end of the year.
Reminder from the School Nurse – Picking Up Medications
All medications in the school nurse office must be picked up by June 7th, the last day of school. Any remaining medication will be disposed of in accordance with diocesan policy. Forms and medication for the 2019-2020 school year can be found on our website. Forms must be renewed every year. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Catts, our school nurse.
Please Join Us!
We will be celebrating the many years of dedicated service that Linda Hammelman has given St. John the Evangelist School and Preschool this Thursday, June 6th at 7 pm in Mercy Hall. Please come celebrate Linda as she moves to a new adventure away from SJES. Dinner and drinks will be provided. Please contact Mary Catts if you are able to attend or have any questions.
Catholic Faith Camp
Our parish is having its summer Catholic Faith Camp (CFC) next week June 10th-14th (9 am-noon in the school’s Trinity Hall). This year we will be using the following for our CFC: with The Week of Graces© “The life of Our Lord Jesus Christ”. The cost for 15 hours of the camp is $35 for each child with $100 family max. The camp is for children entering grades 1-6.
Please complete both sides and return the attached Registration Form to sign up. Registration forms may also be found online at the parish website, in the vestibule of the church and in the parish office. We’d like to know our head count by the end of Friday, 6/7, as we can then plan on a successful week. Register soon for your child(ren) to attend!
Summer Office Hours
The school office will remain open on Tuesdays – Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. during the summer. Should you need to contact the school during the summer months, please do not hesitate to leave a voicemail message or contact us via email. We will make every effort to assist you in a timely manner.
Extended Day Program
Extended Day Program is looking for part-time staff members for their morning and afternoon care programs for the 2019-2020 school year. The morning shifts run Monday-Friday 6:15 am until 8:00 am and the afternoon shifts run Monday-Friday 2:45 pm-6:00 pm. The starting wage is $9/hr. Applicants must be at least 18 yrs of age and complete Virtues training. Staff will be trained in CPR and First Aid. This is a great way to get to know the wonderful students at our school and amazing staff of St. John’s. If interested in an interview please contact Shannon Lomax (Ext Day Director).
Report Cards
Report cards and awards will be issued on the final day of school, Friday, June 7th.
Important Dates for the Upcoming Year
- Meet the Teacher, Friday, August 23rd from 1-3 pm. Bring your school supplies and meet your classmates.
- First Day of School, Monday, August 26th. Early Dismissal 11:30 am.