Tomorrow is a Dress Down Day to benefit the Oktoberfest. ALL students are asked to bring in a new toy for the prize booth. First Grade will be going on a field trip so all first grade students are asked to wear their assigned uniform.
The Color Run is this Friday. All students will wear their PE uniforms. The schedule of times is as follows:
K-2nd 8:20-9:10
3-4th 9:20-10:10
5-8th 10:20-11:05
Preschool 10:25-11:00
The color run shirts will be handed out Friday morning so students can wear them over their uniform shirts. Those students who did not register will still run and get marked for their laps but will not get a shirt, sunglasses or get sprayed with the colored corn starch.
Also, we are in need of volunteers for the Color Run. Click here to sign up.
We appreciate in advance all your efforts to make our First Color Run a huge success!