PowerSchool Updates: Emergency Care and Photo, Press, Audio and Electronic Media Release for Minors, Waiver, and Acceptable Use Policy
It is now time to update your child’s enrollment information in the Powerschool Parent Portal. This includes demographic changes, Photo, Press, Audio and Electronic Media Release for Minors, custody information, emergency contacts, Diocesan Waiver, as well as, Acceptable Use Policy. Some of these updates are a vital part of our crisis plan so please take the time to log into PowerSchool and make the updates online before Friday, August 28. For families with multiple children, each child will need to be updated. Please ensure to click submit after completion of each child.
If you are a current family and have forgotten your login information, please email Lauren Karhoff.
New families will be provided log-in information on the first day of school, Wednesday, August 24. Please check your child’s backpack for the PowerSchool Parent Portal Log-in information.
Many thanks.